balloonDECOR and The Environment

Our Environmental Statement
Compiled by Sean J O’Kelly Owner Manager, Balloon Décor Australia.
Balloon Décor Australia only use and recommend environmentally friendly degradable/recyclable latex balloons.
Information regarding the environmentally friendliness of our latex balloons has been obtained from the Australian Balloon Artists & Suppliers Association's [BASA] Website and the Pro Environment Balloon Alliance [PEBA] Website and independent research by balloonDECOR Australia
Our Latex Balloon are made from a natural substance (harvested from the rubber tree) that breaks down in both sunlight and water and should never be confused with plastic.
The degradation process begins almost immediately after a balloon is manufactured and increases once the balloon is exposed to the elements and inflated.
Compiled by Sean J O’Kelly Owner Manager, Balloon Décor Australia.
Balloon Décor Australia only use and recommend environmentally friendly degradable/recyclable latex balloons.
Information regarding the environmentally friendliness of our latex balloons has been obtained from the Australian Balloon Artists & Suppliers Association's [BASA] Website and the Pro Environment Balloon Alliance [PEBA] Website and independent research by balloonDECOR Australia
Our Latex Balloon are made from a natural substance (harvested from the rubber tree) that breaks down in both sunlight and water and should never be confused with plastic.
The degradation process begins almost immediately after a balloon is manufactured and increases once the balloon is exposed to the elements and inflated.
Oxidation, the "frosting effect" that give the balloons a 'valvet' appearance making it look as if it is losing it's colour, is one of the first obvious signs of the degrading process.
Worldwide independent research shows that under average environmental conditions, latex balloons will degrade at approximately the same rate as a leaf from an oak tree.
The actual total degradation time will vary depending on the precise conditions of sunlight, temperature and humidity.
To read the full report on this research please visit
Saving Rain Forests
Rubber trees, from which the sap (liquid latex) for balloons is harvested, are one of the main forms of vegetation in tropical rain forests, which in recent years have played a crucial role in maintaining the earth's fragile ecological balance. Harvesting rubber trees can be more profitable to poor third world nations than raising cattle on the deforested land.
The natural biology of the tree helps maintain our atmosphere and protect the ozone layer.
The balloon industry worldwide requires the sap from approx. 16-million+ rubber trees that, in total, take up more than 363-million kilograms of CO2 gases annually from the earth's atmosphere.

Even though balloons are made from natural products
Worldwide independent research shows that under average environmental conditions, latex balloons will degrade at approximately the same rate as a leaf from an oak tree.
The actual total degradation time will vary depending on the precise conditions of sunlight, temperature and humidity.
To read the full report on this research please visit
Saving Rain Forests
Rubber trees, from which the sap (liquid latex) for balloons is harvested, are one of the main forms of vegetation in tropical rain forests, which in recent years have played a crucial role in maintaining the earth's fragile ecological balance. Harvesting rubber trees can be more profitable to poor third world nations than raising cattle on the deforested land.
The natural biology of the tree helps maintain our atmosphere and protect the ozone layer.
The balloon industry worldwide requires the sap from approx. 16-million+ rubber trees that, in total, take up more than 363-million kilograms of CO2 gases annually from the earth's atmosphere.

Even though balloons are made from natural products
Balloons Should NEVER BE RELEASED into the atmosphere and should always be disposed of responsibly.
If a helium-filled balloon is released, it rises through the atmosphere, on average, at approx. two metres per second. Both the atmospheric pressure and temperature drop as the altitude increases. When the balloon rises to a height of about 28,000 feet (approx. 8.4 kilometres) over a period of about 90 minutes the temperature is near 40 degrees C below zero.
If a helium-filled balloon is released, it rises through the atmosphere, on average, at approx. two metres per second. Both the atmospheric pressure and temperature drop as the altitude increases. When the balloon rises to a height of about 28,000 feet (approx. 8.4 kilometres) over a period of about 90 minutes the temperature is near 40 degrees C below zero.
At this height the balloon will expanded to reach its elastic limit of close to 700% of its original, un-inflated size - freeze and eventually burst.
At these high altitude conditions the balloon will shatter into multiple pieces about the size of a ten-cent piece. These fragments will then float back to earth over a wide area.
It is believed that the vast majority of balloons will have this fate.
1: If digested balloon fragments can be harmful to fauna
2: All discarded balloons eventually become litter and littering is illegal.
The litter factor: Balloons after bursting
It's at this point, a balloon completes the last part of its life cycle. The rubber pieces continue to degrade as compost until it has totally disappeared.
Balloons that don't burst
An American study estimated that well under five per cent of balloons released will not rise high enough to rupture. However, even assuming a less conservative estimate of 10%, the density of balloons on the ground after a mass release would be approx. one balloon in 38 square kilometres for every 500 balloons released.
Even though balloons are 98% made from natural products
they Should NEVER BE RELEASED into the atmosphere and should always be disposed of responsibly.
Balloons and Wildlife
All responsible Balloon Professionals work to educate the public of the potential dangers to wildlife if a balloon is released into the atmosphere and understand that releasing them is wrong and littering.
Therefore we do not hesitate to once again remind everyone that
All responsible Balloon Professionals work to educate the public of the potential dangers to wildlife if a balloon is released into the atmosphere and understand that releasing them is wrong and littering.
Therefore we do not hesitate to once again remind everyone that
After the EVENT
balloonDecor Australia offer a Retrieval & Disposal service for all balloons used in their decoration.
If their service is not required balloonDECOR Australia recommend, (because the natural latex balloon will degrade and eventually decompose), that the balloons be placed into a biodegradable container such as a brown paper bag and then placed into the household rubbish allowing the balloons to breakdown with other compostable items at the refuse depot.
After the EVENT
balloonDecor Australia offer a Retrieval & Disposal service for all balloons used in their decoration.
If their service is not required balloonDECOR Australia recommend, (because the natural latex balloon will degrade and eventually decompose), that the balloons be placed into a biodegradable container such as a brown paper bag and then placed into the household rubbish allowing the balloons to breakdown with other compostable items at the refuse depot.
balloonDECOR Australia offer their customers a 'free of charge' a 'Balloon Disposal Bag' for the responsible disposal of all latex balloons.

balloonDECOR Australia also collect their discarded balloons to be delivered to one of several companies who manage a Recycling Program where the latex balloons are combined with other natural rubber products to make various items such as playground mats and workshop floors
You can read the full report on research related to this at